Words that are not used in BSL.

If you are new to sign, you may not know that some words are not used in BSL.

BSL is a very concise language so often words that are not important are disregarded.
-There is not a sign for ‘and’, ‘the’, ‘is’ or ‘it’.

-Words like ‘But’, ‘if’ and ‘will’ are used sparingly. 

Should, would, could’ are all the same sign.  

-Complex words, such as disregarded, impeccable, or discern are simplified- so you would sign 'ignored' 'perfect' and 'recognize
' instead.

-Sayings such as 'its raining cats and dogs' or 'have you heard' are not used in BSL, as it is much simpler to just sign 'raining hard' or 'you know?' instead.
Its odd how much can be said when the language is culled down to a few small signs, and how so many words can be disregarded and yet things can still make perfect sense.
It really makes you think how much time we have wasted writing and saying words that don't really need to be used.

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